Cyber tourists will be happy to know that Windows/Mac/Linux: Google's 3D mapping application Google Earth has just released version 5.0, which includes some amazing features that allow everyone travelling all around the globe with just some clicks and movements of their mouse.
The new version of the software that for years has impressed even the most demanding PC users comes with some really great new characteristics that will make the delights of all of us. Let's have a look at them…
Diving Beneath the Seas…Become a Submarine Marco Polo!
Google Earth 5 Beta offers a 3D bathymetry (the submarine equivalent for altimetry), with which the ocean bottom can be unlimitedly explored. Depending on your machine’s capacities you will also be able to enjoy the movement of the waves on the surface if you move the vision standpoint. This feature certainly goes beyond the in-relief 2D mapping of the largest oceans included in previous versions, given that now terrain under the water can also be seen. Read the rest of this entry.